8413 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel
Die Ideen von Ludwig von Mises, dem Vorkämpfer für den Liberalismus, haben gerade angesichts der ordnungspolitischen Debatten der Gegenwart nichts an Aktualität eingebüßt. In seinem Hauptwerk von 1912 legte er nicht nur eine Fundierung der Geldtheorie vor, sondern befasste sich auch mit den Auswirkungen der Geldordnung auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Seine Warnung vor dem Glauben, Inflation durch Wunderkuren schmerzlos beseitigen ...

79,00 CHF

Gerechtigkeit aus der Ferne?
»Distant Justice? Challenges in The National Prosecution of International Crimes«: What challenges does the decentral enforcement of international criminal law pose for national justice systems and how can these be overcome? The anthology »Distant Justice?« brings together scholars from various disciplines and representatives from all areas of judicial practice in order to discuss the particularities of national core crimes proceedings ...

91,00 CHF

Herrschaft und Indoktrination
»Authority and Indoctrination. On the Logic of Ideocracies II«: This volume centers on the analysis of ideology-driven dictatorships (Ideocracies) and, inspired by critical rationalism and its procedures of critical verification, offers reflections on a critical theory of totali-tarianism. Research on totalitarianism encompasses the analysis of totalitarian dictatorships as well as forms of totalitarian thinking and respective modes of problem solving.

128,00 CHF

Der amerikanische Wohlfahrtsstaat
»Never Enough. America's Limitless Welfare State«: »Der amerikanische Wohlfahrtsstaat« is a translation of William Voegeli's analysis of America's endlessly growing welfare state: »Never Enough« explores the roots and consequences of liberals' aphasia about the welfare state's ultimate size and looks at the roles liberals and conservatives play. Using data from OECD, OMD and BLS, Voegeli shows how the welfare state ...

67,00 CHF

Ortung von Beschäftigten
»Localization of Employees. Questions of Admissibility under Data Protection Law using the Example of Employee Tracking«: Using the example of employee tracking, the thesis deals with questions of admissibility under data protection law. It systematises - abstractly as well as concretely in relation to employee tracking - a risk-based protection concept that can lead to an appropriate balancing of the ...

116,00 CHF

Besteuerung als Grundlage für Demokratie und Rechtsstaat
»Titel: Taxation as the Foundation for Democracy and the Rule of Law«: Taxes are considered the »price of freedom« and a necessary financing instrument of modern democratic states. This book aims to present the relationship between taxation and the state system of liberal democracies from a tax law perspective. Throughout this investigation, the legal, ethical, and economic values of a ...

140,00 CHF

Der Gewerkschaftsbegriff des MitbestG im Lichte der kollektiven Koalitionsfreiheit
»The Concept of Unions under the Co-Determination Act of 1976 as Determined by the Constitutional Right of Freedom of Association«: Against the background of the realization that corporate co-determination is enshrined in Article 9 (3) of the German Constitution as a fundamental right of equal rank to collective bargaining autonomy, this dissertation elaborates the constitutional requirements for the simple legal ...

150,00 CHF

Das Vermieterpfandrecht de lege lata et ferenda
»The Landlord's Lien de lege lata et ferenda. A Critical Revision of the Statutory Security Model«: The paper deals with the hitherto unsettled architecture of today's landlord-tenant lien law and the question whether the statutory provisions should be passed into legal history altogether or whether individual variations of a remeasurement and redesign should be retained. The author analyzes §§ 562 ...

129,00 CHF

Arbeit auf Abruf i.S.d. § 12 TzBfG
»Work on call pursuant to Sec. 12 of the German Part-Time and Fixed-Term Employment Act (TzBfG). Fulfilment of the government's protective duties with particular consideration to the legislative amendment that came into force on January 1, 2019«: Work on call pursuant to Sec. 12 TzBfG is a form of work in the predominantly interest of the employer in which the ...

116,00 CHF

Die Neuregelung der Informationsübermittlung zwischen börsennotierten Gesellschaften und Aktionären
»The New Regulation of the Transmission of Information between Listed Companies and Shareholders. An Analysis of the Second Shareholders' Rights Directive and its Implementation, under Consideration of the Corporate Governance Function of Shareholders«: Shares in listed public companies are held in custody by intermediaries. Especially in a cross-border context, the complexity of intermediary custody often leads to frictions in the ...

150,00 CHF

Hypotheken und Grundschulden. Beständigkeit und Wandel im Recht der Bodenverschuldung
»Mortgages and Land Charges. Consistency and Change in Real Estate Financing Law. A Historical, Legal, and Practical Revision of Mortgage Polymorphism and Legal-Empirical Examination of its Socioeconomic Phenomenology«: The dissertation studies real estate financing instruments like mortgages, land charges, and the impact of the German Risk Limitation Act (2008) on real estate credit. A self-conducted study compares registrations of land ...

91,00 CHF

Erfüllung in Geld
»Contract Performance in Money. A Contract Law Approach to the Calculation of Damages«: Using the example of non-performance of the contract of sale, the thesis is developed that §§ 249 ff. BGB, including the dogmatics of damage law, are orientated towards non-contractual liability and the comparable contractual liability for damage to integrity and delay and therefore do not constitute a ...

91,00 CHF

Änderung von Versorgungszusagen
»Modification of Occupational Pension Commitments. The »Drei-Stufen-Modell« of the German Federal Labour Court«: The so called »Drei-Stufen-Modell«, with which the German Federal Labour Court subjects the subsequent amendment of occupational pension commitments to an effectiveness check, has immense practical significance. This study addresses the question of the legitimacy of the model. With a critical assessment of the existing controversial discourse ...

128,00 CHF